2025 Advocate Training
2025 CASA Advocate Training Dates
2025 CASA Advocate Training Dates
April is Child Abuse Prevention Awareness month.
Camp CASA 2021
May 30 – June 1
Camp Warren Campgrounds
Decatur, IL
Since 2018, Macon County CASA has hosted up to 60 local foster children each summer in a 3 day, 2 night summer camp event. This unique annual event held at the beautiful Camp Warren campgrounds (Decatur, IL) allows foster children with the opportunity to leave their foster parents and to be safely surrounded by all foster kiddo peers! For the first time, these kiddos do not live with the secret of being children in care. With the supervision and guidance of the Macon County CASA staff, CASA volunteer advocates, background checked and trauma trained community volunteers, and a 24 hour volunteer medical staff, campers interact with one another in team building activities, camp games, therapy sessions, guest speaker sessions, and more all geared towards fun and allowing our foster kids to just be kids.
Camp CASA guest speakers have included the Macon County Juvenile Advocacy GAL (guardian ad lidem), Brian Finney, award-winning foster care alumni, Shenandoah Chefalo (author of Garbagebag Suitcase), PawPrint Ministries/CASA comfort dogs, and Heartland Mini Hoofs Therapy horses.
Mark your calendars and stay tuned for plans of the 2021 Camp CASA event and opportunities to volunteer and donate!
CASA Christmas
As foster children frequently move homes, holidays are especially difficult for them to experience. As the consistent person in their lives, the CASA advocate has the opportunity to see the child before each holiday. CASA loves to take this chance to help our assigned foster kiddos know that someone cares about them.
Each year, Macon County CASA receives donated gifts for each of our 315 assigned foster children. In 2018 & 2019, CASA partnered with Girls Who Code who organized community donations and gifts.
In December 2020, with the organizational and financial help of The Young Leaders in Action, The Community Foundation of Macon County, and Decatur Rotary Club #180, Macon County CASA and our volunteers were able to provide Christmas gifts for our just over 320 assigned local foster children. These gifts were a true blessing to all of the children who received them and we are continuously grateful for the community’s commitment to change our local foster children’s stories.
To all of our individual and organizational gift givers below, we offer a very special thank you for your support of CASA this holiday season:
Junior Welfare Association
Pat Dawson
Senior Women in Ministry (SWIM)
Greater Northside Church
Decatur Firefighters Local 504
Sarah & Ryan Pritts
Dustin York
The Decatur Police Department
Circuit Clerk’s Office & Courthouse officials
Stacy Hubbard
Paula Bauler
Ali Doolin-Hupp
Angela Keck
Heather McConnell-Smith
Alexandria Smith
Our Lady of the Holy Spirit Church
Rhonda Luther
Angela Blakeman
Melissa Bartholomew
Macon United Methodist Church
Tim Delaney
Dena Flanigan
Toiee Roubein
Jalee Goozen
Justin Jostes
Melanie Schelling
Melissa Prasun
Erica Clapp
Amy Moran
Dr. Jarmese Sherrod
Natalie Beck
Nikki Eagler
Janet Adlaf
Sherry Lane
Karen McCroskey
Alissa Bolin
McKenzie Sloan
Chasity Casey
Morgan Anderson
Brigit Logan
Michelle Payton
Jeannine Rude
Andrea Schmid
Rachel Vogel
Courtney Barding
John West
Kelly Giltner
Jennifer Tallent
Grant Bullock
Carla Sloan
Cindy Anderson
Stacy O’Neil Clark
Tara Rohman
Mona & Marvin Sowers
Audra Cottrell
Deering Family
Madison Stark
Courtney Anderson
Annette Taylor
Tammy Hite
Kristin Sowa
Patricia Miranda
Kathy Wilson (Ameren WISE)
Pam Schroeder
Christina Overlin
Denise Hunt
Abbi Wicklund
Ivy Handley
Peggy McNeely
Rachel Wisner
Emma McConnell
Brittany Reatherford
Patricia Miranda
Diane Moore
Kristal Brand
Ann Bate
Brianna Brown
Katie Beggin
Lindy Blackwell
Amanda Littrell
Lacy Schwarze
JR Baird
Janice Farrar
Morgan Anderson
Tara Rohman
Ashley Altevogt
Amy Brammer
Lisa Flora
Rae Stoner
Avery Smith
Molly Kondritz
What: 25% of ALL sales to Macon County CASA
Where: Smack’n Tacos, 2998 N. 22nd Street, Decatur, IL
When: Every Friday from 11-9 through Nov. 27
First time food truck owner, Marcos Fuentes, is not new to the Mexican food scene in Decatur. For over 20 years, the Fuentes family has successfully owned and operated many Mexican food restaurants in the Decatur community. As Marcos has branched out with his very own food truck, he strives to mirrors his family’s commitment to our community and supporting our community’s abused and neglected children was just the way. Smack’n Tacos, located at 2998 N. 22nd Street, Decatur (parking lot of the Sundown Lounge), offers 25% of ALL sales to Macon County CASA every Friday! We are proud to be a part of an amazing partnership! Be sure to support both a small local business and a local non-profit all in one stop every Friday from 11 am – 9 pm!
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Join Us In Click’n It For CASA!
Even though we can’t meet in person to kick it up Gatsby style, you can still directly influence a local child’s life with one click!
During the month of October, the Macon County CASA Board of Directors present an online fundraising drive to support CASA’s mission of advocating for the abused and neglected children of Macon County.
We have anonymous donors willing to match if we can raise $5,000!
Donations above $250 will be entered into raffles to win prizes!
Questions? Call 217-791-3103 or email abrammer.0704@yahoo.com or contact any CASA Board Member.
Event Details
When: October 1-31
Where: This website or donations can be given to any CASA Board Member or mailed into our office
Raised So Far! Donate Now!
Amy Brammer, Anthony Chapple, Kathy Byerly, Brenda Garry, Lee Morthland, Teran Stephenson, Gussie Reed, Lindsey Shelton, Richard Dechert, Matt Jedlicka
Gabriel Munoz, Tara Ulis